GPS Control for Golf Course Pesticide Applications

E = Environmental

E * A * S * Y

Turflux systems help golf course superintendents continue to improve their environmental stewardship while actually saving money and improving accuracy.

Only where needed

With a Turflux system installed on your sprayer, a golf course superintendent can improve their care for the environment by simply using proven technology to apply chemicals and fertilizer only where needed. Highly accurate GPS mapping virtually eliminates off-target applications and overlap that can result in double rate applications.

This is one environmental control that saves money too.

Avoid environmentally sensitive areas

Spraying near environmentally sensitive areas such as wetlands, ponds, or waterways can be risky. Mapping these sensitive areas as “no spray zones” and letting your maps control your sprayer, automatically shuts off the nozzles when they enter these zones.

While spraying in these areas your spray technician can now concentrate on one thing, operating the vehicle.

Better record keeping, pesticide checklist

Part of the responsibility for Environmental Stewardship is the record keeping requirement. Raven’s Slingshot® RTK or Ag Leader's Agfiniti Essentials is an integral part of a Turflux Conversion and one of the benefits of these features is that the system tracks your application and creates an electronic record in the cloud.

You can now keep and control the information for your use only, and have it available for regulators when they require it.

Ready to take advantage of everything GPS Sprayers have to offer?

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